Valis, Melbourne | Sortlist
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Melbourne, Australia
Immersive digital design agency - We create Augmented Reality apps and experiences for innovative brands.
👋 We are hiring! 👋 We are an immersive digital design agency, specialising in Augmented Reality apps, experiences and solutions. VALIS was born from a passion for Augmented Reality & immersive tech - and a frustration at the lack of creativity in the space. So we decided to fill the creative gap, launching VALIS - a Melbourne based Augmented Reality creative agency. It is increasingly important for brands to have impactful and lasting impressions on their consumer. By placing our focus on creativity & engaging, usable design we ensure that we innovate by continually pushing the limits of the technology available. Valis is proud to be Australia's dedicated Augmented Reality creative agency, leading the wave of new innovation with revolutionary concepts. Our team would love to connect with you and talk through how Augmented Reality can positively impact your industry, brand or organisation.
2 people in their team
Speaks English
Founded in 2018
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1 service offered by Valis

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  • Description
    Video Production
    Skills in Video Production (1)
    Video Marketing

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2 members in Valis's team

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Contact details of Valis


  • Headquarter8/11 Howe St, Daylesford, Victoria, 3460, AU